Pamela Wilson-Ryckman

“Color Blind”

Color Blind

The artist Pamela Wilson-Ryckman opened ‘rosyendpost’ with an exhibition of ten recent paintings. Several of the works in the exhibition obliquely reference photographs of historically significant architectural structures and their implied narratives, juxtaposed against fields of shifting space and overlapping areas of color. The structures, whether pristine or in states of disuse, become abstract impressions of their architectural characteristics. Rooftops, church steeples, and outlines of white clapboard siding punctuate rich, encompassing color fields.

While informed by the complexities of the social, political, and historical context of her subject matter, Wilson-Ryckman forgoes didactic specificity to craft open-ended, emotionally charged landscapes. In doing so, her images become receivers for narratives and individual recollections. Structures failing under the weight of accumulated vegetation subtly reference unfixed nature of memory.