Jill Moser

Nude Palette

September 11th - September 26th

Works on Paper




Nude Palette

Jill Moser

Nude Palette, took shape in the early months of the pandemic. Leaving my LIC studio and isolated in the country, I initiated two collaborations, one with a painter and the other with a poet, to be able to continue the exchange of ideas remotely. Welcoming the challenges presented by both collaborations, and reflecting upon the anxiety of the times, I searched for a new descriptive language.

New ideas coalesced through working with fragments from earlier prints and drawings. The painted collages that developed in this process were small and intimate, reflective of the limitations and confinement of our quarantined life. Seeking to express a tangible sense of hope, these small works became a daily meditation—gestures of our times. Discovering this new form and the potential of vivid chromatic tones, an entirely novel set of paintings and prints came to life in my studio.

This radiant body of work is called, Nude Palette, in homage to a line from the poet Anna Maria Hong, with whom I collaborated in 2020. Nude palette—a range of colors stripped bare—seemed an accurate signifier for this work in which color is celebrated as essential to the shape it takes. Extending my gestural vocabulary to explore the corporeality of shape, this vibrant work embraces the sensorial charge of color and the erotics of form.
